So today I'll give you the photo tour of my new home, here in england. Today, as I stood at the top of a hill in a sheep pasture, I really realized that I am here in england. I know to many of you that may sound completly absurd that I would be here for a complete week without mentally realizing my geographical location, but yes, It has taken me this long. and it has taken me this long to turn around and praise God for gettng me here safely, answering so many of my prayers, and for creating such a lovely bit of earth so that Icould enjoy its beauty- God's beauty. So here it is- Capernwray Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire, England

This, my friends is what I see everymorning when I wake up and sit up in my bed and stare out of the window. its a bit dark, but you can imagine that thsoe white spots are sheep... because tha is wha tthey are.

This is the view from the top of the tower. NATHAN! this is for you! but seriously, the tower kinda sucks, you walk these stone spiral stairs for easily 3-5 minutes, only to come to a (usually) locked door, that leads to a pool of stale water surrounded by a foot wide walkway. its really... unromantic. I was hoping it would be so much more. But there are 2 rooms of girls that sleep in the tower. extra kudos go to them for carrying their suitcases up there and sleeping in bunk beds.

This is a house I passed the other day when I biked into carnforth. the clouds, the tree, the road, and the house, they all scream ENGLAND! and so I thought I'd show it to you, because this is exactly what life is going to be for me for the next few months- quaint and quite. do you know that even in the grocery store, the english don't talk in public? They are such funny people. but I like it. And the english students... they seem to be the loudest ones! my roommate, Rachel, from here in England, is the loudest person that I have ever met!

This is just a tree with a tire swing on it thats in the front pasture that my room looks onto. Its perfect for climbing, and I even tried today, but its wet from the rain yesterday, so I slipped and fell. but don't worry, I'm alright. and I WILL climb it before the year is over. but look how green the grass is. its UNREAL. wow.

This is another view from the tower. amazing, isn't it? God's creation is so lovely.
wow. I don't even knwo what else to tell y'all! haha, I've been picking up alot of terms from other countries, especially the americans. I've taught everyone what a Bunny Hug is, and many people are starting to call 'bennies' touques. YAY!
Last night was first family group, and boy was it so good! There is a girl in my group whose Name is Anna Lisa. her and I clicked so fast and so much. I can see us being really good friends, and I'm so excited about that!
I honestly don't know how I was ever afraid of not having friends, becasue God has blessed me with so many!
Last night the girls in my room and I stayed up till 1:30 talking and giggling, and it was SO good! we would laugh for minutes, and then have a serious convo, and then start laughing so hard again! I honestly think I have the best room!
God has been teaching me so much too! he's been meeting my heart in EVERY single lecture (which is 6 a day let me tell you), and teaching me about who I am in him, and just how important I am to him. wow, you guys have no idea. I really am supposed to be here this year.
But I still miss home. And today I see that so much. I really love getting those emails from you, I get at least one a day, and I love that, more than you know!
BUT if you really want to you can send me a real mail! I haven't gotten any post yet, and I would love to hear from you, and I promise I'll write back! my adress is:
Laurel Baillie
Capernwray Hall
Carnforth, Lancashire
LA6 1AG England
Thanks guys! And may god continue to bless you this next week!