Monday, January 29, 2007

Manchester Weekend

This weekend, was the perfect weekend in England. If I could choose how I spent every weekend in England... this would be how I would do it. For surely.
The weekend started off with Karen and I running around the castle, trying to make sure we both had EVERYTHING we thought we could ever need... for two nights. If you know my reputation, that means I had ALOT more stuff than I would actually use. We set off to Carnforth on the Minibus where we spent just under an hour at the train station waiting For our train. Karen and I happened to wander into the little gift shop in the station, and were more than accomodated by the older gentlemen that volonteered at the shop. The two of them were more than happy to tell us about everything from the movie that was filmed in the station, to the next play at the local theatre, to the change of currency in the late seventies, to showing us the merchandise. This made the time go by so fast, and they were probably delighted to have two north american girls to chat with to make THEIR days go by faster. Then Karen and I got on the train, which was PACKED (we had to sit on seperate seats- not together, with our luggage on our laps... shouldn't have packed so much), and the trip to Manchester lasted about an hour and a half. Once in Manchester, we tried to Call Pam's cell.. but it was not working. Fortunately my memory served me well, and I was able to aproach her and ask 'are you Pam?' and as silly as it felt... the hug that followed was REALLY worth it! Pam then took us to her car, to take the half hour drive to their place- with a short stop to pick up their daughtor Isabelle (aka Issy aka Belle). Once at the house we were Introduced to Alec, a man of a large stature and a heart to match. They then proceeded to show us our room which consisted of the biggest and most comfortable bed I have ever seen and a Bathroom complete with clean toilet and shower. They also showed us the fridge with the added comment 'eat whatever you would like'. That night we ordered in Cantoneese, and were allowed to order whatever we wanted. Karen and I fell asleep in bed watching 'You've Got Mail'. We woke up in the morning at 10 am and took our time showering and getting ready for the day. We then found a note in the kitchen telling us were the breakfast foods were and what we could have. After Cereal and Yorgourt, Pam and Issy came home and made us Tea and (yes) crumpets. SO GOOD! Pam then took the two of us into the nearest village so that we could roam around and explore. when we asked what time we should be back she said 'well, we need to leave for dinner at 5, but you won't take that long here anyways.' well... we took that long.. and a bit more. The village was REALLY cool, and we got some cool stuff for really cheep. Then Pam and Alec took us to this really cool restaraunt for dinner, and I had soup (ministrony.. yum!) and chicken ceaser salad. I don't remember what Karen had... but it looked REALLY good. Oh... and starters were MANDITORY. haha, we told Pam and Alec about our manditory fun night here at school, so they had fun telling us what parts of our weekend with them was manditory! we then got back to their house for a desert of profiteroles (you and I would know them as cream puffs.... mmmm!) and then Karen and I attempted to watch You've Got Mail, again, but I'm sure not convinced the movie is as good as people tell me it is. Breakfast sunday morning was cereal, tea and crumpets, and special 'scotch pancakes' or... for you and me, normal pancakes, and fresh raspberries! Pam and Alec then took us to see the water resevoir, which was up near the mooreland (I still don't think Karen knows what the moores are). Then Pam and Alec took us to a Pub in a village near Hallifax, where Karen and I had our first proper Sunday Roast meal... roast beef, yorkshire pudding, potatoes, carrots, peas and cabbage. Then they dropped us off at their house where we bummed around untill we had to leave.
Pretty much the best weekend EVER. with the most amazing couple. and Karen. wow. so good. I really needed to get away to readjust my attitude, and come back to realize why I was here again. I had been struggling with that, but now it seems to be alot better. I was able to finish my last project for winter school today, even though it isn't due untill wednesday, which feels REALLY good, let me tell you. I still have to put everything away, but I may just leave that untill tommorow, because I think I'll go for a walk today, just feels like it would be a healthy thing to do. I have a much more positive attitude now, but I am still missing home a fair bit. I've gotten a few letters since I have been back, and I just have to say thank you to everyone who had sent me a letter, I LOVE hearing from home!
Well.. I'm back to school, back to work, back to my reading, and back to my hard bed and gross food. Jeremy comes at the end of the week though, and I am real excited about that, and tommorow I find out my outreach groups. that will be good.
Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

19th Birthday

Well.. today was the big 19. Whoo hoo! today was about... the best birthday Capernwray could offer. It started out actually on thursday with the recieving of two of three packages. one from Ashley one from Ben. both extraordanary. Then I got a HUGE package from my mom and dad on Friday. which was WONDERFUL! wow! new cloths, and Candy! so good!
Then Friday night my roomies made me a birthday cake, ordered pizza and then waatched dawson's creek with me. SO FUN! I love my room mates!
Then this morning I got woken up by Karen who had this elaborate scavenger hunt for me all around the castle, with cupons for different times to spend with her at each spot. Then it was brunch, then one of the cupons was a makeover by one of the girls here who is a makeup artist, so that was cool. then we (karen and I) went to Skipton and kinda hung out all day. Then I talked to Mom and Dad and Nathan and Ben on the phone, and now I'm here talking to you!
This week has been good. next week will be good. And thats all for now.
Have a great week! send me emials... or letters or comments. all are great, it always awesome to hear from home, and get prayer requests so that I can be praying for you guys!
Love ya!

19th Birthday

Well.. today was the big 19. Whoo hoo! today was about... the best birthday Capernwray could offer. It started out actually on thursday with the recieving of two of three packages. one from Ashley one from Ben. both extraordanary. Then I got a HUGE package from my mom and dad on Friday. which was WONDERFUL! wow! new cloths, and Candy! so good!
Then Friday night my roomies made me a birthday cake, ordered pizza and then waatched dawson's creek with me. SO FUN! I love my room mates!
Then this morning I got woken up by Karen who had this elaborate scavenger hunt for me all around the castle, with cupons for different times to spend with her at each spot. Then it was brunch, then one of the cupons was a makeover by one of the girls here who is a makeup artist, so that was cool. then we (karen and I) went to Skipton and kinda hung out all day. Then I talked to Mom and Dad and Nathan and Ben on the phone, and now I'm here talking to you!
This week has been good. next week will be good. And thats all for now.
Have a great week! send me emials... or letters or comments. all are great, it always awesome to hear from home, and get prayer requests so that I can be praying for you guys!
Love ya!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back to the grind

Well, I'm back here, first saturday back at the school. Sitting in the Lounge, having a music war with about 20 people, and finally surrendered to my headphones. I've drank about 20 cups of tea, and eaten far too many desgusting meals. There is one new meal though, and it is AMAZING! we have REAL chicken, with SPICES on it, and curly fries. SO GOOD! haha. dang. But now that I think about it, that was a wednesday meal, and wednesday meals are better than other days, or they are supposed to be. darn.
My room mates and I have alot of fun together and get along so well. we know when to talk and when to shut up, and when to be serious and when to joke around, and its really good. The only thing is we ALL go to bed at different times and get up at different times. but its just an adjustment to having the lights on for a while when I am sleeping, no biggie. So the room is really good.
This week has been spiritually INTENSE, and I love it. I feel like I am closer to God than I have been in about 2 years. I feel like I am finally ready to be the one that draws close to god, rather than immaturely waiting on god to draw near to me... he is always near, and I just need to take that time to recognise it and draw myself closer to him. I can feel myself falling more in love with him the more I just think about it. what a good feeling.
I haven't gotten as much sleep this week as I would have liked... going to bed at 12 and waking up at 7. but I'm so tired that I'll just fall asleep while talking to Danielle.... aka listening to her. she talkes ALOT. and when I say alot I really mean all the time. she is worse than Rachel, but its alright. Its like God put Rachel in my room to prepaire me for Danielle. My other room mate Adrienne, her sister works here at the school, therefore she lives at the school with her husband and kid, and yesterday she made our room cookies. WOW! so good! I was really excited about that.
Other highlights of the week included sitting with Karen on the stairs untill 12:30 one night just chatting, the shower near our room being repaired, 'manditory room bonding time', hearing about the storm back home but not experiencing it, and seeing the familar faces and hearing about their christmases.
This next week is going to be really good. I have a test and an assignment due, as well as two book reports due the following week. so I'll be working on those pretty much all week. But I'll also make time to get into Carnforth to do the nessisary shopping to maintain my.... I don't know... snacking habits. and I'll of course spend a little too much time chatting with people. but what else do you expect from me?
well... I'm going to sign off now and get some of that work done. but first, I'll remind you that I have an email and a mailbox.

Laurel Baillie
Capernwray Hall
Carnforth, Lancashire

So send me some love! I'll write back! I promise!

Have a wonderful week!

PS- if anybody wondered when my birthday is... its January 20. not like I want any cards in the mail or anything. just thought you might want to know

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back in England

Hello Friends!
I just wanted to let you know that I made it here safe and sound. Unpacking has been.... exciting? haha. I have ALOT of stuff, let me tell you that. I have no idea how I'm going to get it home. My room mates should be fine. I have 4 americans, from California, Arizona, Illinois, and Texas.
I'm really tired. I think I'm going to go and unpack so that my bed is clear and have a nap.
I hope you all have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!
Much Love,

Thursday, January 04, 2007

And I'm off again!

So, I'm just waiting for someone to become available to help me weigh my luggage so that I don't have to pay overweight charges tommorow. for once.
Oh, right. I leave again tomorow. And how do I feel? actually, my emotions are kinda cancelling each other out and I feel a little numb. but not nessicarily in a bad way. I am oh so excited to see all of my new friends again, and meet my room mates, and set up my new room. But I'm also really sad about leaving my family, and Ben.
I almost wish the break was longer. I'm not quite ready to go back yet, but I am getting there. but maybe its for the best, before all the memories I have of home are of wishing to get back to england.
So I'm leaving tommorow, at the airport at 9:30 am, and fly to toronto, to london, and then take the coach to the school. a glorious 20 hours in transit from home to... home?
I'm not sure if england is home yet. But I do know that Saskatoon will always be home, and that I will miss it dearly over the next 5 months.
I'm sorry if I didn't get the chance to chat with you. But there will be lots of time when I get home, and I promise that if you can only get to me by september to see my pictures, I won't be tired of showing them yet!
May God bless you, and I hope to see you all in a few months!
Thanks for your prayers as you continue to read this blog!

Monday, January 01, 2007

So This is The New Year....... (the new year's survey)

1. What did you do this year that you've never done before?
Been Kissed.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
well.. I think I resolved to not make a resolution last year, so yes. and I will make some this year... and probably not keep them. oh well.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth this year?
um... no, not really.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. I don't think so.

5. What countries did you visit this year?

6. What would you like to have in the next year that you lacked this year?
um.... I didn't lack anything besides money, and I don't really know if I want that.

7. What date from this year will remain etched upon your memory - and why?
The Day I left home. Because I left home.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting 98% on my memory verse test at school. haha. how lame is that?

9. What was your biggest failure of the year?
Not graduating with the marks/classes I really should have had.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Just the common cold. nothing more.

11. What was the best thing you bought this year?
The laptop I am typing this on! whoo hoo!

12.Whose behavior merited celebration (a public or private personality)?
WHAT?! what is that even supposed to mean? myself. I don't know if thats a good thing or not. I don't know what this is asking. I quit this question.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
um.... no one? I don't know. this is a dumb question too.

14. Where did most of your money go this year?
England. and food. and coffee. and CDs and movies.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about this year?
Comming home for christmas! and Going away to England. and graduating. and playing hop scotch. alot of things, actually.

16. What song will always remind you of this year?
Such Great Heights by The Postal Service. Or Some Will Seek Forgiveness Others Escape by UnderOath

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
- happier or sadder? Happier.
- richer or poorer? Poorer
- thinner or fatter? um.... I'm not sure. maybe Fatter, you know what college food does to girls.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Spend more time with my family. more time on school work. more time with friends. more time with God. more money on things that better the state of humanity. there are alot of things I wish I'd done more of.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Watching TV and time on the computer (how ironic!)

20. How did you spend the holidays?
With my Family!

21. Did you fall in love this year?
um... no.

22. How many one-night stands did you have this year?
let me count here... there was_____ and _____ and did I really do that with _____? oh, right! NONE!

23. What was your favorite TV program for the year?
*swallows hard, eyes moving from side to side* The OC....?

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

25. What was the best book you read this year?
Deffenetly not the Indwelling Life of Christ. but maybe... I don't know. I read ALOT of books. OH! Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
26. What was your favorite film of the year?
again.. I saw ALOT of movies

27. How would you describe your personal fashion concept this year?
I don't have a fashion concept. define that.

28. Whom did you miss this year?
My Mom. Ashley. Ben. Jeremy. Nathan. My Dad. ALOT of people actually.

29. Who was the best new person you met this year?
hands down. Ben.

30. What are your wishes for 2007
Um... my wishes? I have alot of wishes. ask me sometime.

31.Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned for this year.
um... Everybody has to grow up sometime.

Wheres 32?
I don't know!
33. What was your greatest musical discovery?
whoa. bigquestion. 2006 was a big music year for me. Stars, to start with; Snow Patrol, Imogen Heap, Broken Social Scene, The Postal Service, The Rocket Summer- Pretty much all the essentials.

34. What did you want and get?
big question. I wanted a laptop. but I also wanted a deeper relationship with God. And I wanted alot of things in between. ....And Got most of them!

35. What did you want and not get?
A million Dollars.

37. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 18, and wrote my math final, and went out with my dearest of dear friends, Ashley.

38. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I'm not sure. nothing. My year was quite complete.

40. What kept you sane?
My dearest of Dear friends, Ashley

41. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
um... Seth Cohen from the OC

42. What political issue stirred you the most?
um..... I don't know.

WHY are there SO many missing??
I STILL don't know!
45. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year
'So this is the new year, and I don't feel any different, the clanking of crystal, explosions off in the disatance.... I wish the world was flat like the old days, so I could travel just by folding a map, no more airplains or freeways or speedtrains, there's be no distance that could hold us back.'