Saturday, June 09, 2007


Last Fish and Chips. Last Load of Laundry. Last Family night. Last Brunch. Last trip to Carnforth. Last trip to Lancaster. Its all starting.... all the Lasts. Its honestly not real yet that I'm leaving this place for good in six days. But I am liking the concept of it. But ask me again in Three days, after I've had my last church service, my last evening lecture, my last bowl of brown stuff, my last apple crumble, my last room mate night, and I think I might feel a bit different.
There are so many things that I'm going to miss so much about Capernwray Hall, Carnforth, Lancashire, England. First and Foremost are the amazing friends I've made. I'll miss being excited on fridays, because thats laundry day. I'll miss walking around the loop in the middle of the day and late at night. I'll miss eating popcorn and watching movies on my bed on a laptop. I'm going to miss the old stone houses, and stone walls. I'm going to miss the small english towns. I'm going to miss fish and chips, and shepherd's pie. I'm going to miss having about 10 fashon consultants in the morning. I'm going to miss saying goodnight while laying in my bed and having four replies. I'm going to miss this place.
I'm going to miss learning about Jesus every day. "To Hear you say 'this one's mine', my heart is spoken for." As I was doing my lunch duity today, this worship song came on. its not one that is foreign to me, but one that we've done a few times here at capernwray. And hearing it today, while reflecting over the last nine months really hit it home what God was trying to teach me this year. My heart is his, and only his. its not mine, and it does not and will not ever belong to any boy, My heart is spoken for by Jesus and only Jesus.
Hm. But it will be so good to be home. I keep on trying to figure out what arriving at the airport at home is going to be like. But I have to remind myself that I am going to be dead tired, because I will have been up for 43 hours by the time I get home. I keep on trying to figure out what I'll want to eat when I get home, but the only thing that seems to be constant is the mad craving for Root Beer I have.... everything else changes every 30 seconds. I keep on trying to know what my life is going to look like at home, but its not working.
I'm scared to go home too. I am different. I dont' even see all the changes in me. I am still me, but I am different too. I am louder, believe it or not. I am more girly. I care less about what people think of me. I'm more confident. I am more sure of God's love for me, but somehow less sure of what I know about him. I know more about the Bible, but I feel like I know nothing. I am less sure of what I want to do with my life, but I feel like I might have more of a direction. I dont' know. I am different,and I'm scared that I will hide it, or that back home people won't like the changes.
In a week my life will be so different. and its bittersweet.
I'm going to go and enjoy the sunny day. My last saturday in England.


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