Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thoughts on being vulnerable

So, today, on the way back from York, I was thinking about vulnerablity.
I was listening to the song 'Casey's Song' By City & Colour, and the lyrics went like this:
'With you on my mind
and my heart held in your hands
Screaming break me.'

And I got to thinking about that, and thinking that Its so tough, to trust people with your heart. or maybe thats just me. But how many of us actually tell everyone EVERYTHING about all the situations in our lives, I mean, its hard to do that, its hard to believe that they won't hurt you, that they won't break your heart.
But then I was thinking about how much I want people to put their hearts in my hands- how much I want them to trust me. and therefore become completely hypocritical.
But its such a scary place to be in- vulnerable.

And thats about as far as my thoughts went.

And... this week has been great, and I leave in a week for Africa! I'm so excited!
And thats all I got.
Much love,


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