Saturday, November 11, 2006

No Pictures on Saturday?!

Alright, so I was going to post pictures today from London, but apperently the internet is really slow here at school... who woulda guessed? Instead, you get a LAME update of my week! LUCKY! (haha, FYI- Napoleon Dynamite only JUST made it to England, so the english students are only just starting to make Napoleon jokes, and the Canadian/ American students really make fun of them)
This week was super good, actually. I am still recouperating from my weekend in London, so I'm tired, but it was a really good week- socially. Acedemically... not so good. I had my first test (on the book of Luke) on tuesday, and Got my first assignment back last night- 77%... not so good.
But alot of people stopped me (aka my roomies) saying that they noticed me hanging out with alot of different people than usual, and that they were impressed... and that made me feel really good. Again, I have found myself without one specific group of friends, rather a whole collage of different friends and groups, and of course, that is how I like it. But let me tell you a couple of stories:
As you all are well aware of, I am of a small stature,and well... some guys find it amusing to pick me up, or put things in high places so that I can't reach them. Well.. on thursday evening, Paul and Rudolf kind of ganged up on me! They stole one of my shoes, and my seasoning salt. of course I chose to chase Paul with my Seasoning Salt- I mean, who would choose shoes over salt? obviously not me. so I seriously chased him around the castle 10 times before he ended up throwing it up onto a REALLY high ledge that he couldn't even reach (need I remind you that he is like an 8 foot giant... ok, only like 6"4, but still) so in order to get my seasoning salt back I had to sit on his shoulders. originally he wanted me to stand on his shoulders, but I completely refused that one. so I got it back. but I was stuck on his shoulders... and he descovered that my feet are ticklish... not so fun. I was stuck for like 5 minutes there. and when I was returned to the sturdy floor, I had to find my shoe... that rudolf hid... really high.
so that was thursday. what about friday?
well.. my friday dutie was cleaning the boys rooms. SO MUCH FUN! haha, they were disgusting, yes, but nonetheless it was fun. we danced and sang really loud to some nasty music, and left notes for pretty much every boy. ALOT OF FUN! And some of the guys came back early and gave us chocolate, or sang and danced with us... and pretty much just had the best time EVER. And then last night, we had roomie night in my room, and we watched Phantom of the Opera and ordered Pizza and drank soda. It was super fun, and totally worth it. like you have no idea.
Today is just a lazy day, and I'm not doing much. I was going to spend the time to put up pictures, but it would seriously take about an hour to do that, and I really need to get some reading done. we have another test on tuesday, on Personal Evangelism, and apparently its the hardest test that we will write, and I have to memorise like 7 verses by then. so I need to get onto that. plus I am officially like 3 books behind in my reading, with an assignment on 1&2 Samuel due next week. AH! school is getting a bit stressful, and I'm going to have to buckle down and be a good student... for once in my life.
Have a great day!
Much love,


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